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Paul S. Hamilton, PhD
Executive Director, Principal Investigator, Photographer
Paul spent half his life chasing lizards across California, and then moved to Arizona for graduate school at ASU, where his studies focused on conservation, behavioral and evolutionary ecology, and herpetology. After chasing lizards around Arizona for several more years, he founded RAEI to work on conservation ecology of reptiles and amphibians of Ecuador, where he led his 11th expedition this January. He is also a published photographer, and has won acclaim for both scientific and artistic applications of photography. Paul's CV. Email Paul. |
Christiane Mouette
Field Technician
Growing up in Brazil and having worked on sea turtles and other fauna of her home country, Christiane specializes in conservation of the reptiles and amphibians of Western Ecuador, and has led and/or participated in five expeditions thus far. When we have more than one field team, Christiane leads a team for field work where her experience in environmental education has proved invaluable. She also assists with lab work and is in charge of logistics while on the reserves. She is fluent in English, Spanish, Portuguese, and French. Christiane is also a certified dive instructor, and when not working with Reptile Research, gives training for SCUBA certification. |
Carlos Robles
Carlos has served as our guide and expert naturalist for the past five years in western Ecuador. He is a well-rounded naturalist experienced in plants and habitats, as well as reptiles and amphibians. His other virtues are the ability to never, ever, get lost in a remote jungle, and his abilities at Ecuadorian Folk guitar and singing, offering entertainment and levity in-between field trips. Carlos works with our Ecuadorian research teams, leading groups to any remote locations. |
Placido Palacios
In serving as our guide and naturalist at Bosque Protector La Perla, Placido leads us through the more remote locations of the reserve, revealing its secrets to us, and helps with all of our field work. |
Assistant Guide
Rafael is a resident of the town of Nalpe, adjacent to our study site at Pata de Pajaro. As part of our commitment to capacity building, we have brought him on our team as an important representative of one of the communities we serve in Ecuador. While being trained as a guide and naturalist, he helps with all logistical and security aspects of our expeditions.
Gaye Hamilton, MBA
Finance Director
Gaye is retired from a career in corporate accounting and finance. Her education includes an MBA from the University of California, Berkeley and she holds CPA certification. She brings these important money management skills to the organization which is otherwise comprised of individuals whose skills lie elsewhere. She is a lifelong hiker, camper, and supporter of environmental causes and has been on one of our trips to Ecuador and is looking forward to another in the near future. |
About Us
Board of Directors
Interns & Volunteers
Bosque Protector La Perla
Escuela Politécnica Nacional
Librarius Study Center
at Jatun Sacha