Donate to Reptile and Amphibian Ecology International
We are a small organization made up entirely of volunteers. Yet, we have discovered scores of new species, gathered data on thousands of animals in the field, our stories have been read in newspapers around the world, and we have reached over a thousand people through our outreach programs. A donation of any amount will go a long way to helping our work! |
Now until December 31st, your donation will be doubled, thanks to the generosity of two anonymous donors! Help us raise up to $5,000 in matching funds! |
Here's some donation gift ideas that will help us preserve biodiversity:
- $10: A "rental" pack mule to get to our remote study sites.
- $30: One day room and board for a field worker.
- $100: Fair salary for an Ecuadorian naturalist for 2 days.
- $350: A stipend for one of our fantastic interns
- $500: A digital camera and GPS unit for a future biologist and advocate in Ecuador.
- $1,000: A photography and data analysis workstation.
- $10,000 Covering expenses to give a scientific name to a new species!
contact us! |
- $25,000 Having Academy Award nominated filmmaker David McGowan on board to produce a feature-length documentary of our work.
contact us! |
- $90,000 Turn three of our full-time volunteers into paid staff.
contact us! |
Donate Any Amount |
Make a Repeating Donation |
RAEI is a US 501(c)(3) charity, and your gift is 100% tax-deductible. |
Giving a donation as a gift? Just email us the name and address of the recipient and we will send a personalized letter of thanks along with the signed gift photo to the recipient!
Google Checkout is our preferred payment system, since as one of Google's grant recipients, we are not charged service fees for donations. But if you prefer, donations can be made by post to:
Reptile & Amphibian Ecology International
3901 W Calle Don Miguel
Tucson, AZ 85746 USA
(checks made out to "RAEI")
Or on
See our |
report. |
You Can Make a Difference
Donate Gifts to Biodiversity
Make a One-time Donation
Make a Repeating Donation
Donate Cameras and Gear
11 Ways to Make a Difference
It only takes a few minutes to donate through Google Checkout, a fast secure way to pay. |